Monday, March 9, 2009

My Views on Euthanasia

I think that Enuthanaisa is a legitimate way to ending someones life. For example The Father in Italy Accused of Murder I think that he did the right thing to go through Euthanaisa with his daughter mainly because that was his daughter's wish; she would rather die. Just because I think that Euthaniasa is a practial way to end a life that doesn't mean that I don't think that it is a big deal. I believe that Euthanasia is a serious and extreme and difficult thing to consider that it should be thought over carefully. However even though I do agree with euthanasia I have exceptions. To give another example the man who lost his job and killed his family and called it Euthanasia. I don't think that is Euthanasia I think that is murder! I think that the man had good reasons to back up his actions and he and his family must have been dealing with a great deal of turmoil but death was an obscene solution it's not like he was terminally ill. He lost his job. I'm not saying that he could have found a new job and everthing would have been fine and dandy. It was inevitable that his family was going to struggle but there hardships could have been over come. As has been noted I believe that Euthanasia is an ethcial way to end a life but should be though over very carefully.

1 comment:

Melvin said...

I strongly agree with how you view Euthanasia. I also believe that it is a very legitimate and practical way to put someone to rest. Although it isn't the only option that should be immediately decided, it is one of those things that should be thoroughly thought over because sometimes it may be what is best for the person. Lastly, I'd like to state that i completely understand how you penetrated the "Man Kills Family" story and i coincide with your conclusion.